![]() The Mayan tribes of Central America had dozens of different calendars for counting time, seasons, agriculture, and sacred ceremonies. There is one calendar that has survived thousands of years, and is still familiar to us today, and it is the Tzolkin calendar - the sacred count of 260 'days' the basis of all their calendars. Towards the end of the millennium, a man named Jose Arguelles claimed to be the reincarnation of the great ruler of Palenque in Mexico (Pacal Votan) and that he had received channeling and insights to spread the sacred count throughout the entire world, as a tool to save it from extinction. He and his wife changed the order of the count of days, added additional layers to the symbols, which are known as the Galactic Seal or signature, also, he 'discovered' the Galactic Activation Portal days. So, at 1987 they brought into the world the enchanted cycle – named the Dreamspell. Their mission was to spread this count of time around the world, and it seems they have succeeded to do so. So, it turns out that we have a galactic seal according to the Dreamspell and we have the ancient original seal, according to the Mayan calendar which is used in Central America, different from the symbol we got at the Dreamspell. These are different conversions of the same table (20:13), still, these are the same 20 sun signs (bearing different names, even through Central America) and 13 lunar tones (frequencies), again, with a difference between the names, but not in the sequence. From my personal experience, I learned that the Galactic Seal is our earthly road-map, and the symbol on the classical Mayan calendar is our soul chart. and they are synchronized. I know this, after a quarter of a century of decoding galactic birth-dates ;))
On sep.21 at Self existing red Dragon, we entered the 'pillar of light' (the Spine) of the Tzolkin board, just in time for autumn equinox.
This great synchronicity at those accelerating times of evolutionary destruction of the world as we know it, provides us with hope & strength, empowers us while we go through those massive changes. I guess we all noticed it, how things came up to surface the last 2 weeks, I mean the good things, the creative & inspirational stuff, which drives us on, for the good or the bad, I hope you know what I talking about. So at he 4th day of the White Mirror Wavespell, we enter the middle column of the Tzolkin. The Mirror wavespel followed by the blue Monkey wavespel (the heart center of the Tzolkin) are 2 wavespels, positioned between 2 other significant wavespels; Red Serpent & Yellow Seed. Together they gives us 52 days count, marked as the west castle of burning, court of Magic, at the tzolkin count. This means we go through fire, through the hart of what matters to us, at these times. Starting at the red Serpent wavespel to Yellow Seed wavespel, those 2 wavespels - Mirror & Monkey are sharpening our vision to see through the various illusions we all have, which holds us back, at these 2 wavespels we can 'loose' much of the unnecessary luggage we carry.. and for some of us it looks like we have no choice.. yes, we need to travel light :) I follow the Tzolkin count almost daily, cause it helps me to make sense of what I'm going through; and gives me good, almost accurate perspective of time and space. According to my fiscal & emotional environment. So, when you follow this count like me and many others do, you will find a great synchronicity with the solar cycle of planet Earth, and also there is a great parallelism to other counts, calendars, from many different parts of the world. So, here we are, on September 22 while passing through the center of the Sun disk, celebrating another autumn equinox, and a Hebrew new year, at the same time - entering the middle pillar of the Tzolkin, and we just about to hit “the Half Time” of this 260 days round, started on 24/05/17 till 07/02/2018 Now we get a break, to catch our breath.. Between every thing we experienced at the past 3-4 months, and took shape and form in the last 2-3 weeks.. we have these 20 days to contemplate on it, on our progress, achievements, disappointments, things we learned, we saw, things we let go, the fun and joy as sorrow too, everything we experienced is stored and processed into our reality now. Approaching the Magnetic Blue Monkey, the heart/magic of the Tzolkin, we should celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the hard work we done in the last few months.. thoughts & plans for the future are absorbing into reality at these days, and soon will be tested at the Seed wavespel, so we can move forward this Tzolkin, with patience & grace. Moving on, evolving in sync with these turbulent times. We are passing through Magical time indeed, at least, that is how it feels to me. In spiteof all of every thing.. My Hearts knows, and yours too. I hope we/me make the best of it! Now is the time we should concentrate on our inner selves, Listen to our heart desire, and choose actions which expands our creativity & joy to others, and versa visa. I hope you note these special days, how we move up the evolutionary ladder How we keep on doing our best being smart, beautiful & brave InLak'ech Rotem TW White Cosmic WorldBidger P.S. The Tzolkin resonates with each and every one of us. It is designed specially for us humans to tune into galactic time, and get the perspective of time travel space. This is something that happenes and you need to expiriance it.. Assuming you know the basics, recognize the 20 sun signs, and understand what are the 13 tones.. All you have to do is grab a calendar and follow the 13 Moon pattern through the Tzolkin. Great tool to get synchronized with Natural time! And yes of course, you need to draw, your symbols, today symbols, this years symbols.. that is how you really get to KNOW those signs. Then grab an blank Tzolkin, and color it like This. #highly_recommended The Tzolkin is a 260 days count, which is the smallest fractal of time for human evolution, from conception till birth, which is 9 months (260:9=28.8888..)
This is the main reason (from many more) why this calendar suits us and resonates with our daily life in an inspiring compatibility. Today is the shortest day and longest night of Earths cycle around the Sun, Its winter solstice on northern hemisphere of planet Earth, And the second day of the Dragon wavespel, the first symbol at the Tzolkin, the Mayan holy calendar, which is based on the a rhythm (count) of 13 days, which is one Wavespel, repeating 20 times. The Tzolkin calendar is combined from 20 wavespels according to the 20 Mayan Sun signs, each Sun sign influences one Wavespell at a given time. (20X13=260) Following the Tzolkin count is from top to bottom, each day a different symbol, at a higher tone. From tone no. 1 (magnetic) to tone 13 (cosmic) from purpose to presence.. And then It repeats. Its a natural physical progress for us humans, the 13 days, or months, or years.. decades count. Now think about the colors, according to the order that the symbols appear at the Tzolkin: Red – White – Blue – Yellow = Initiation – purification – transformation – ripeness This is the fundamental law at the Tzolkin. and a basis to any process - Red-White-Blue-Yellow The 20 symbols are arranged in 5 Time Cells: Input – Store – Process – Output – Matrix. 4 symbols at each Time cell gives us the whole 20 Mayan Sun signs. (5X4=20) Each time cell contains 4 wavespels at the same order of colors process - Red, White, Blue, Yellow. 13X4 = 52 days. * look at the picture * (52 days X 5 time cells = 260) If you follow this count you will soon notice how natural and simple It is for us to plan and relate to our time in a 'Tzolkin way' - how following and noticing those process I mentioned, can give us a great tool to achieve our goals & plans, and help us to create our vision and fulfill our life mission. The Tzolkin is a great tool for adjusting our personal life to the Matrix. The Dragon wavespel is the time to plant the seeds of the things we want to see grow in our life in the next months. Now is a great time to sit and make a plan for the next 9 months, In 5 phases of 52 days each :) If you can look into the Tzolkin as a plan in progress, and notice the Initiation – purification – transformation – ripeness process, and it evolution in your own time as Input – Store – Process – Output – Matrix process, you will clearly see beyond the circumstances obstacles of every day life. |
RotemTWOver 20 years active in Environmental Ngo's. Categories
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