The Tones are marked at the Tzolkin as dotes & bars.
They represent qualities of energies from Cosmic Intelligence, they are more like music than numbers from One to Thirteen. Each day increases by one, up to the number thirteen, and then starts over again at tone one. Getting attuned to the process of the 13 days wave-spell, helps us to reconnect ourselves to natural cycles of time. |
Name Power - Essence - Action
1 - Magnetic Unify - Purpose - Attracting 2 - Lunar Polarize - Challenge - Stabilizing 3 - Electric Activate - Service - Bonding 4 - Self-Existing Define - Form - Measuring 5 - Overtone Empower - Radiance - Commanding 6 - Rhythmic Organize - Equality - Balancing 7 - Resonant Channel - Attunement - Inspiring 8 - Galactic Harmonize - Integrity - Modeling 9 - Solar Pulse - Intention - Realizing 10 - Planetary Perfect - Manifestation - Producing 11 - Spectral Dissolve - Liberation - Releasing 12 - Crystal Dedicate - Cooperation - Universalizing 13 - Cosmic Endure - Presence - Transcending |