Find your Mayan Kin - your Galactic SignatureYou can find your galactic signature by following the instructions :
Find the year number on the year table, Find the month number on the month table, Add the two numbers together with the number of the birth day. If the sum number is greater than 260 subtract 260 from it. ( See example below ): Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, was born on 6 July 1935. 1935 = 87 July = 181 6 = 6 YEAR + MONTH + B.Day = 274 – 260 = KIN 14 Dalai Lama's kin is 14 - Magnetic White Wizard : Decode It by Yourself |
Once you calculated the kin number, look at the Tzolkin calendar for your sun sign and lunar tone. then read about its meaning in the 20 sun signs and 13 lunar tones pages.