Personal readings by the Mayan calender, Ask for a reading on your birthday or any other date. In English Or עברית
Once you request a reading from me, with a Birth Date of yourself or others, I will send you back (within few days) by e-mail, an inspiring pdf document of 3-5 written pages about specific Mayan symbols, with my reading of the characteristics of the day you were born, you can ask for a reading (BD chart): By the Classical Mayan calendar (long count) OR ask for your Galactic Signature (Dremspell), OR ask for both readings.
The combined document I am sending you is 'loaded' with information which takes time to 'sink in' and to process. It is new and complex knowledge to many of us, So, I suggest to order a combined document (2 readings) only for those who really know the Tzolkin, and know all the 20 symbols & 13 tones, and want to treat themselves or others with an inspiring gift. (72 usd)
Otherwise, I suggest that you choose one reading: For beginners who do not know the Tzolkin, I recommend that they ask for the Galactic Signature by the Dreamspell: (52 usd)
For those who know their symbols according to the Dreamspell, and for those who want/need a 'wake-up call' - I recommend that they get to know the symbols of their soul chart according to the Long Count, the classical Mayan calendar: (32 usd)
If this knowledge is unfamiliar to you, it doesn't matter which reading you ask for, Because in any case, getting to know your Mayan sun signs is an inspiring introduction to the Tzolkin calendar, which ignites blood memory and remembrance of our personal journey.
Private consulting on Gregorian dates you plan a head a wedding or an operation.. E-mail me your question and a the date and I'll answer you. (for 10 usd) [email protected]
The best way to learn & understand things, is through personal experience. Starting exploring the Mayan calendar, with your birthday coeds, gives you a good perspective to understand the essence of this count!