DRAGON : Nurture - Being - Birth East / red / initiates Energetic, powerful, protective, sensitive, private, initiating, primordial mother, blood memory, creative energy, supportive. WIND : Communicate - Breath - Spirit North / white / purifying Agile, divine breath, clever, multifaceted, inspiration to all, idealistic, mental, presence of truth, spiritual, romantic. NIGHT : Dream - Intuition - Abundance West / blue / transforming Mysterious, logical, powerful, conservative, thoughtful, organized, introspective, deep, strength to endure, possibility. SEED : Target - Awareness - Flowering South / yellow / ripening Active Dynamic, spiritual creator, potentiality, leader, performer, influence. SERPENT : Survive - Instinct- Life force East / red / initiates Passionate, resourceful, headstrong, intimate, creative, sensual, instinctual, extremist, charismatic. WORLD BRIDGER : Equalize - Opportunity - Death North / white / purifying Forgiveness, surrender, transformer, conscious, transmutation, humble, multidimensional, community oriented, grounded in spirit. HAND : Knowing - Healing - Accomplishment West / blue / transforming Generous, peaceful, opener of gateways, comprehended, grasper, cooperative, artistic, manifested healer, competent, inspiring, skillful. STAR : Beautify - Art - Elegance South / yellow / ripening Harmony, expansion, way shower, clever, hopeful, energetic, inspirational, nervous, playful, loving, busy, starred, intelligent. MOON : Purify - Flow - Universal water East / red / initiates Imaginative, emotional, self-remembering, communicator, fantasy prone, mutable. DOG : Love - Loyalty - Heart North / white / purifying Loyal, helpful, mellow, strong leader, guardian, companion, consistent, faithful, team player, joiner. MONKEY : Play - Illusion - Magic West / blue / transforming Artistic, spontaneous, trickster, innocent, humorous, extraordinary, divine clown, curious, co-creator of higher life, transparent, communicative. HUMAN : Influence - Wisdom - Free will South / yellow / ripening Creator, holder of the chalice, vessel of higher power, quickened, responsible, straightforward, harvester, abundant, hard worker. SKY WALKER : Explore - Wakefulness - Space East / red / initiates Accomplished, popular, pillar of heaven & earth, knowledgeable, time & space traveler, crusader, assumes challenges, socially principled. WIZARD : Enchant - Receptivity - Timelessness North / white / purifying Psychic, intelligent, aligned with divine will, magician, sensitive, torch bearer, heart knowing, shaman, concerned, spirituality. EAGLE : Create - Mind - Vision West / blue / transforming Independent, committed, artistic, compassionate, exacting, receiver, visionary, believes in self, dreamer, technically inclined, scientific, hopeful. WARRIOR : Question Fearlessness - Intelligence South / yellow / ripening Trustworthy, realistic, wise, mystical, graceful, receptive transmitter, divine communicator, deep, status conscious, high standards, pragmatic. EARTH : Evolve - Synchronicity - Navigation East / red / initiates Synchronizes, tracks clues, grounds, collects synergy, governs earth force, shields, earth keeper, crystal healer, liberal, confident. MIRROR : Reflect - Order - Endlessness North / white / purifying Pure, faces the shadow, self sacrificing, discriminator, ritualistic, disciplined, sword of wisdom, clarity, well coordinated, timeless, practical, meditative. STORM : Catalyze - Energy - Self-generation West / blue / transforming Friendly, transformer, clarifier, multifaceted, liberator of the mind, light body, activator for ascension, initiates by fire, reunites, excellent teacher. SUN : Enlighten - Life - Universal fire South / yellow / ripening Loving, unified whole, blissful, Christ consciousness, romantic, limitless, dreamy, creative, uncompromising, rejuvenating, well-intentioned, devoted. |