![]() The Tzolkin, ancient Mayan calendar is the most precise count of time I experienced, I started my journey with this calendar more than 10 years ago, when I got a little booklet which explained this count and had conversion tables of Gregorian dates into Mayan Kin's. There are 260 'days' at the Tzolkin calendar, and it repeats continually in a spiral cycle of time, contrary to the linear time count of past-present-future perception of modern time, which is unnatural and arbitrary The Tzolkin is assembled from 20 Sun Signs which repasts 13 Lunar times (tones), which gives us 260 days, each day has a unique combination which describes the qualities of it In sacred shapes & colors. This is a constant mathematical matrix or formula which evolves on same ratio of 13:20 every 52 years each. The Tzolkin count resonates with us human's \ planet earth, in most natural way. This is something you need to experience to understand. So even if you don’t know much about this calendar you can start by learning & understanding your own destiny path by this count. First you must convert your Birth Day to Mayan kin (symbol & tone) by using the table below. Find the year number on the year table, Find the month number on the month table, Add the two numbers together with the number of the birth day. If the sum number is greater than 260 subtract 260 from it. This is your KIN, or a day at the Tzolkin calendar. Find the kin number you got at the tzolkin calendar see what symbol it is and which tone
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December 2024