Feb. 13 is the Gregorian date of a new beginning by the Tzolkin, the Holy Mayan calendar We have just officially ended the Yellow Star wave-spell, and as I believe, most of us felt elegant closer of many unnecessary matters for the new era which have began, the process we experienced for the last two months. The Cosmic Sun, the last day on the Tzolkin, poured light on this process, helping us to focus on our inner fire, our deepest desires for fulfilling our life mission, courageously and honestly. So the Red Dragon symbolize birth and a new beginning, and I feel a great synchronization as the wheels of time click's, as I believe many of us do.. The Red Dragon wave-spell (Feb. 13-25) is bringing in his wings opportunity to release our past mistakes and not to repeat them, again, a perfect condition for a new beginning! The natural continuation of this process will bring White Wizard energy.. So get ready for the ride! another 260 days cycle has began, the first cycle in a new era is very significant, so I wish we all can connect to it's potential, to our Nature! Love & Faith, InLak'ech RotemTW
RotemTWOver 20 years active in Environmental Ngo's. Categories
December 2024