IS 2012 THE END OF THE WORLD?NO, IT'S NOT! Dec. 12 2012 It's just a date! It's what we make of it :) It's been a while since I have been trying 2 find the words 2 share about this date... The last 2 weeks I stumbled across few videos on Youtube, words I cold resonate with... Like this one above.. Yes, I think that the end of the world as we know it is just for the best.. Now a days we are 'closing' another Tzolkin (long count) and Friday 11/2/11 is a start of a new one (Red Magnetic Dragon) It's going 2 be a very strong portal day! anothr step in the process we are all experiencing, as International community, with no borders, anchoring the energies of higher consciousness on earth. I feel great synchronisity last few days, experiencing timeless moments, striking right on time, things are happening rapidly, still as they should.. difficult 2 explain in words something I sense, that we are all experiencing around the globe for quite a while.. Yes I agree we are living at existing times!! There are magnificent moments, and disasters to :( Any how,I stumbled on James Redfield interview on the net, Which explains the Mayan long count perception of time and what is happening NOW.. And I share the LOVE and confidence that he and many others have to Human Race. In the integrity we got within ourselves, to be honest and fair, to look in mirror with no illusions, and walk our talk. We are evolving, creating world of unity and grace, understanding each others ways 2 the ONE , and abundance 4 all is defiantly possible! We are One conscience, we FEEL it right?! One with earth, with the planet, with the people & the animals... 1 breath time 4 all... End It's not going to end, this is not the nature of time!! And every end is a new beginning, right?? I wish that mother earth exploitation will stop, and the killing of Nations and oppressing of human spirit & nature will stop, I wish 2 God this will all end!! I pray for us to be brave and fearless, Responsible and honest, understanding this planet of free choice as it is, a beautiful place to live in!! For me 2012 is a NEW beginning! a process we all feel the progress of it, one way or another.. :)) So Take your time and enjoy this lovely interview with James Redfield, and listen to the short message from Indigenous elders which follows, and remember.. We are the Ones we've been waiting for! For additional information on 2012, I recommend the book by Sounds True: The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities. Keep the faith, Be loved and Loving – Thank you, RotemTW Posted 10th February 2011 by RotemTW
RotemTWOver 20 years active in Environmental Ngo's. Categories
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