Today/tomorrow we move on on the evolutionary ladder foreword into this new era, playing our part, loyal to our life mission here on earth, here and Now. The synchronicity and the intensity we are sensing, is natural, that's how it feels as we grow up, when we change, and still stay the same. Synchronicity does it! Just came back from Boom festival, the theme was Shamanism & the manifestation on site was a synchronicity practice ;) and I'm so glad & grateful for being a part of it. Thank you Lord & Great spirit, Thank you Mom & Dad, Thank you my fellows nomads, travelers in space & time! "That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which hath been done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun." said not long ago, King Solomon king of Israel in Jerusalem. Still time moves on, time happens when we are too busy wasting our time.. especially now, these times when we are experiencing personal & collective evolutionary growth for man kind. We had 9 months to clear our path/mind, to resume reflect and act. Another period is over, and we are ready to move on, and make a new plan for the next 9 months. This assuming that you solved, and brought to day light, manifested on the surface of your life's canvas your heart desires & talents. I certainly did, looking back on what I have done, learned and achieved.. on the last Tzolkin round, makes me forget all the dark moments I passed through this period of time, and feel satisfied of my personal share, my individual gift of life here and now, ready, and feeling existed for the next Tzolkin Round, with a brave heart, innocent mind, and eternal soul. Hope we stay humble InLak'ech RotwmTW - Cosmic WorldBridger
RotemTWOver 20 years active in Environmental Ngo's. Categories
December 2024