The Tzolkin is a 260 days count, which is the smallest fractal of time for human evolution, from conception till birth, which is 9 months (260:9=28.8888..) This is the main reason (from many more) why this calendar suits us and resonates with our daily life in an inspiring compatibility. Today is the shortest day and longest night of Earths cycle around the Sun, Its winter solstice on northern hemisphere of planet Earth, And the second day of the Dragon wavespel, the first symbol at the Tzolkin, the Mayan holy calendar, which is based on the a rhythm (count) of 13 days, which is one Wavespel, repeating 20 times. The Tzolkin calendar is combined from 20 wavespels according to the 20 Mayan Sun signs, each Sun sign influences one Wavespell at a given time. (20X13=260) Following the Tzolkin count is from top to bottom, each day a different symbol, at a higher tone. From tone no. 1 (magnetic) to tone 13 (cosmic) from purpose to presence.. And then It repeats. Its a natural physical progress for us humans, the 13 days, or months, or years.. decades count. Now think about the colors, according to the order that the symbols appear at the Tzolkin: Red – White – Blue – Yellow = Initiation – purification – transformation – ripeness This is the fundamental law at the Tzolkin. and a basis to any process - Red-White-Blue-Yellow The 20 symbols are arranged in 5 Time Cells: Input – Store – Process – Output – Matrix. 4 symbols at each Time cell gives us the whole 20 Mayan Sun signs. (5X4=20) Each time cell contains 4 wavespels at the same order of colors process - Red, White, Blue, Yellow. 13X4 = 52 days. * look at the picture * (52 days X 5 time cells = 260) If you follow this count you will soon notice how natural and simple It is for us to plan and relate to our time in a 'Tzolkin way' - how following and noticing those process I mentioned, can give us a great tool to achieve our goals & plans, and help us to create our vision and fulfill our life mission. The Tzolkin is a great tool for adjusting our personal life to the Matrix. The Dragon wavespel is the time to plant the seeds of the things we want to see grow in our life in the next months. Now is a great time to sit and make a plan for the next 9 months, In 5 phases of 52 days each :) If you can look into the Tzolkin as a plan in progress, and notice the Initiation – purification – transformation – ripeness process, and it evolution in your own time as Input – Store – Process – Output – Matrix process, you will clearly see beyond the circumstances obstacles of every day life. Practicing and learning the Tzolkin is a life time mission, It's depth is profound and intriguing, It 'speaks' to us in strange symbols and colors, it resonates with our bones & DNA, only by learning to recognize the symbols of each day, a whole new perspective is in your way!
Today, the second day of the Dragon wavespel, is White Wind in the tone of challenge, It means spirit & communication guided by timelessness, a prefect day to challenge my self to write again about time. Aho! These are existing times.. yahh well, we must understand we talking about time.. & Time is eternal, so please get the right perspective! The birth labors of a new era is behind us, we are moving on the evolutionary ladder, we have the privilege to live at these times while we pass across cycles in time, and its quite clear now, that we are on a planetary cross roads as Individuals and collectives, and those old habits of exploitation, competition and violence must disappear completely from our societies in order for us the evolve. There is no way we can avoid or ignore our great responsibility while making our first steps towards the future we create every day with our own choices & resolutions. So here comes another existing ride on the wheel of Time. And Its really important that we remember how beautiful we all are, its essential for us all, to be brave at heart, to be good and do positive stuff.. and think happy thoughts :) Stay kind and loving InLak'ech - RotemTW
15/4/2016 01:18:41 pm
I believe many society will reminiscent of your articles , at minimum quantity I suppose so. And perhaps you will drawn in.
15/4/2016 02:47:57 pm
I really hope so..
21/7/2016 11:50:50 pm
What do each of the timecells mean. For instance if I am Output what does that specifically mean?!
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RotemTWOver 20 years active in Environmental Ngo's. Categories
December 2024